Macro photography by Alan Henderson
Photography featuring Australian insects, spiders and many other invertebrates
Creative lighting. Engaging images. Amazing invertebrates.
“Macro photography takes me into another world of incredible animals with mind-blowing structures and detail. I hope that people viewing my images get taken to the same amazing place.”
Behaviour documented in action.
Invertebrates exhibit a mind-blowing array of fascinating behviours. My image library includes Insects, spiders, scorpions, centipedes, millipedes, gastropods and many other invertebrate groups. Check out some of them in this gallery.
Face to face with fascinating invertebrates.
The faces of invertebrates provide an engaging insight into how very different these tiny animals are from ourselves and the other larger animals we surround ourselves with. Check out some of these incredible bug faces in my portrait gallery.

“The tiny creatures of the undergrowth were the first creatures of any kind to colonise the land. They established the foundations of the land’s ecosystems and were able to transcend the limitations of their small size by banding together in huge communities of millions.”
Sir David Attenborough